Empowering Minds Together: Diverse Paths to Mental Wellness conference
Empowering Minds Together: Exploring Diverse Paths to Mental Wellness is a 1-day conference designed to bring providers, caregivers, and community members together to:
- Elevate non-traditional ways of managing our mental health
- Improve our understanding of the mental health needs of our neurodiverse community members
- Appreciate the power of peer support and lived experience
- Increase our understanding of complex PTSD and treatment modalities
- Encourage community members and providers to work together for mental wellness and healing
Cost: $25, plus $10 for CEUs (Category 1 Mental Health & Substance Use)
8:30-9:00 Registration
9:00-9:10 Welcome
9:10-9:40 Keynote The Power of Social Capital in Mental Health – Pam Samuels
9:40-9:50 Break
9:50-10:50 Breakout #1
Room A Complex PTSD: (or RRT)
Room C Healing through Music and Sound Therapy: Outside of the Box Resources for Mental Wellness – Brett Welch and Heather Williams
Globe Room TMS – Dr Lazoff (unconfirmed)
10:50-11:00 Break
11:00-12:00 Breakout #2
Room A The Cortina Method to treat trauma- Michael Cortina
Room C Wellness Recovery Action Planning (WRAP) RAP – Shane Presley
Globe Room Functional Medicine & Mental Health – Sarah Weaver
12:00-12:45 Lunch & Visit Information Tables (Rooms A, B & C)
12:45-1:30 Embodied Healing (Rooms A, B & C) Thai Bodywork and Somatic Coaching – Julia Hyndman
Yoga Chair Therapeutics Demo- Dani McGuire
1:30-1:45 Break
1:45-2:45 Breakout #3
Room A Neurodiversity Think Tank – Corben
Room C Peer Support: The Healing Power of Community – Ryan Marsden, Brenda Edwards, Karissa Vandeventer
Globe Room You Want Me to do What? EFT Emotional Freedom Tapping (Roni Sanderson) & Mindfulness for Busy People (Becky Pape)
2:45-3:00 Break
3:00-3:45 Lived Experience Panel
3:45-4:00 Wrap up, thank you, evaluation